Dear readers and friends,
since the summer holiday period, when we were all able to enjoy the sunshine and recharge our batteries, we have made a lot of new advances in our work packages. This year, we could also meet and discuss the progress and challenges in person at the consortium meeting in Hamburg. In this newsletter you can find updates about our work: how we have involved patients in the co-design of the COMPAR-EU platform, how we are working on interpreting the effectiveness of self-management interventions and how we estimated the costs of these interventions. In terms of platform development, we are starting to integrate a part of generated evidence and work on design of other key sections synthesizing research outcomes. The platform will also include decision-making tools tailored for different end users and relevant stakeholders, and we are excited to report on the progress in developing these tools. Furthermore, we would like to put a spotlight on the new initiative, called “Self-Management Europe” that published already two “Alerts” about practical recommendations to enhance self-management and patient empowerment in practice. The initiative could complement the work done in COMPAR-EU beyond the project.
Please enjoy reading our newsletter and learn more about the COMPAR-EU project progress. We wish you a healthy, fun-filled and stress-free holiday season in advance.
Your COMPAR-EU team
Read the full newsletter here.