Beate Mueller
Beate Mueller works as general practitioner in a general practice where she regularly treats diabetes patients of all ages. She also leads the working group “Patient Safety” at the Institute of General Practice, Goethe University Frankfurt. Her research interests include risk management/safety culture and multimorbidity/polypharmacy in outpatient care as well as e-health. Since 2020 she is Co-Lead of a project on telemedicine for Covid-19 patients.
Francisco Camarelles
Francisco Camarelles is a specialist in family and community medicine. He works as a General Practitioner in Madrid, Spain. He is also Director of the Program of Preventive Activities and Health Promotion (PAPPS) at the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (semFYC) and Member of the PAPPS Health Education and Healthcare Group. He also works as a Professor of Family Medicine at the School of Medicine of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. The main topics that he works on are related to changes in behavior in health and lifestyles (smoking cessation, risky alcohol use, promotion of physical activity, and a healthy diet).
Frank J. Snoek
Professor Frank J. Snoek holds a Master´s degree in Clinical Psychology and a PhD in behavioural medicine. He chairs the Medical Psychology department at the Amsterdam UMC and the diabetes mental health research group. His research interest lies in promoting diabetes self-management and fostering (e-) mental health. He was the founding chair of the EASD study group Psychosocial Aspects of Diabetes (PSAD), and member of national and international guideline committees, behavioral diabetes projects and funding schemes. He has published extensively in the field of behavioural diabetes. In 2019, he received the Richard R. Rubin Award from the American Diabetes Association for his contributions to behavioural research in diabetes.
Kirsty Winkley
Kirsty Winkley is a Reader in Diabetes at King’s College London (KCL), UK. She is a diabetes nurse and health psychologist, and works part-time as a diabetes nurse in south London. She has a PhD from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, KCL; a MSc Health Psychology, University of Westminster, London, UK; BSc Psychology, University of York; and trained as a nurse at KCL, UK. Her expertise centres on supporting people with type 2 diabetes. Her research interests include developing interventions that support diabetes self-management. She is developing an intervention to support people with type 2 diabetes starting insulin.
Lilisbeth Perestelo-Perez
Lilisbeth Perestelo-Perez (MPsych, PhD) is working at the Evaluation Unit of the Canary Islands Health Service in Spain. She is leading investigator in the development, evaluation, and implementation of decision support interventions for Shared Decision Making (SDM) in Spain. With a PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology awarded in 2007, she completed postdoctoral fellowship at Mayo Clinic (2008-2009) and at Massachusetts General Hospital (2015) on SDM. She is a co-founder of the Latin American Network for Medical SDM and Patients’ Participation. Lilisbeth is leading the research team at REDISSEC (Spanish Network of Health Services Research for Chronic Diseases), she is connected with the Spanish national healthcare organisation and she is collaborating with other Agencies for Health Technologies Assessment in Spain and with the Ministry of Health for the Spanish National Health System and she is also part of the EUnetHTA Joint Action-III.
Maria Grammatikopoulou
Maria Grammatikopoulou is a lecturer on Nutrition-Dietetics at the International Hellenic University and a research associate at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She holds a Master’s degree on Biomedical Sciences from the University of Aberdeen, as well as a Master’s degree on Medical Research Methodology and a PhD on Nutrition from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Her research is focused on the relationship between diet and health including diabetes and obesity, nutrition methodology, critical appraisal, evidence-based nutrition, and related meta-research. She attains clinical research experience on remedial issues of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Mellitus in children.
Nicolaj Holm Ravn Faber
Nicolaj Holm Ravn Faber has 15 years’ experience with operating evidence-based Self-Management programs in Denmark, responsible for development of derived programs, operation of workshops nationalwide and training and supervision of peer leaders, master trainers and local coordinators. In addition, he is engaged in exploring the links between concepts of individual and community empowerment, and in the challenge of the dissemination of these concepts in society.
Zuleika Saz Parkinson
Zuleika Saz Parkinson holds a Master´s degree in Biochemistry, from the University of Indiana, Bloomington, and one in Research Management from the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares-UNED as well as a PhD in Public Health from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She worked for over 5 years coordinating the development of the European Guidelines on Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis, using GRADE methodology, at the European Commission´s Joint Research Centre. She has also worked for over 12 years in the Spanish Health Technolgy Assessment Agency in Madrid where, among other projects, she worked on an EU-funded project on chronic disease management programmes. She is interested in methodology and chronic diseases.
Rosa Corcoy
Rosa Corcoy is the Director of the Diabetes Unit at Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau and Associate Professor of Medicine at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Her main areas of interest are endocrinological conditions & pregnancy and type 1 and type 2 diabetes. She is the local IP for DALI (Vitamin D and lifestyle intervention for GDM prevention) and CONCEPTt (Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Women with Type 1 Diabetes in Pregnancy Trial) trials. Since September 2019, she is the Treasurer of the Diabetic Pregnancy Study Group of the EASD.
Helen McGloin
Helen McGloin is a lecturer in Nursing at St. Angelas College Sligo, Ireland. She also manages and teaches a Masters programme in Health and Wellness Coaching. She is a registered general nurse and holds a PhD in Nursing from the University of Ulster for which she explored the feasibility of health and wellness coaching in supporting health behaviour change in Type 2 Diabetes. She also completed a Masters in Applied Physiology from Kings College, London. She has led research projects on evaluating telemonitoring and empowerment in Type 2 diabetes and a Cochrane review of psychological interventions in diabetic foot ulceration.
David Trigos-Herraez
David Trigos-Herraez is the Coordinator of the Spanish platform of EUPATI and Vice-president of Europso, European umbrella for psoriasis organisations. He holds an Higher Technician in Electrotechnical and Automated Systems and Human resources and Superior Technician in Labour Risk Prevention with the specialities on quality processes. He is member of CTN 179 – QUALITY AND SAFETY IN HEALTHCARE SERVICES in the UNE (The Spanish Association for Standardisation) and PRP (Patient research partner) in different research projects. At EUPATI-Spain, he works towards the professionalisation of patient organisations and training patients in the field of research, development and evaluation of new therapeutic alternatives. Besides that, he is an individual expert advisor at EMA (European medicines agency).
Carola Orrego
Carola Orrego is Deputy Director at FAD with more than 20 years of experience in leading, managing and coordinating projects in the Quality and Patient Safety field. Her main experience in quality improvement is related to implementation research and scaling up of quality improvement interventions. Carola Orrego has participated in more than 20 research projects with medical associations and health care organisations through the implementation of evidence-based safety practices. She leads the `Network for excellence in clinical practice´, an initiative to promote quality improvement through synergies and shared knowledge among hospitals using social media and Information technologies.
Monique Heijmans
Monique Heijmans is a Health Psychologist and works as a Senior Researcher at Nivel since 1998. She is project leader of the National Panel of people with Chronic Illness or Disability (2008 – present) and the National Panel of people with Lung Diseases (2001 – present). Monique Heijmans is an expert in the area of (determinants of) self-management and chronic illness and has extensive research experience in the area of psychosocial factors and their interaction with health behavior and health, including illness perceptions, gender differences, patient activation, self-efficacy, social support and health literacy. Since 1998, she is involved in many national and international research projects and systematic reviews on chronic disease, diversity, self-management, and heath literacy.