Call for Participants: Join the Focus Group!
How can we implement decision tools about self-management in daily practice?
10-12 AM
online – in English
We can compensate the full participation for the entire duration of the focus group with 150 €.
What is the COMPAR-EU project about?
COMPAR-EU project aims to identify and compare the most effective and cost-effective self-management interventions (SMIs) for adults in Europe living with one of the four high-priority chronic conditions: type 2 diabetes, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and heart failure. The SMIs help patients to increase their skills and confidence in managing their chronic condition with the intention to promote and maintain, their health. Our main product is an innovative information technology platform featuring self-management tools to support decision-making on self-management interventions for different end users such as healthcare professionals, policymakers, guideline developers, as well as patients.
What do want to explore with you?
- How can we implement decision tools into daily clinical practice?
- What are the pressures and enablers of the use of decision tools in your health system?
- How can we support the use decision tools for self-management in real-life?
Why should you participate? You will get an opportunity to:
- Learn about self-management tools, and state-of-the-art research developed by the COMPAR-EU consortium
- Network and exchange knowledge with other healthcare professionals
- Be a part of the transformation of research results into practice
Who can apply?
We are looking for participants who:
- work in European countries, in particular those that reprensent the health care context of the following COMPAR-EU countries: Greece, Netherlands and Belgium.
- work in hospitals or primary care centres.
- are clinicians (physicians, specialists, nurses, nutritionists or others) or decision-makers at the top or middle management level.
- have more than 5 years professional experience working with chronic patients (applies for clinicians). There are no restrictions on the medical disciplines of the participants.
How can you register?
If you are interested in joining the focus group, please write us a short email with your name, your profession, your setting (hospital, primary care) and lenght of your experience on
Please register untill 17/06/22. Please note that the capacity is limited up to 7 persons.
After your application we will get back to you with a final decision on the selection of participants.
We look forward to seeing you!
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 754936.