Finalising the analysis plan

In a two-day meeting on 27th and 28th of February in Barcelona, NIVEL, IR-HSCSP, UOI and FAD finalised the last details of the COMPAR-EU analysis plan. In this meeting, we’ve advanced our plans on how to deal with complex interventions in network meta-analysis (NMA) and how to best balance the trade-off between describing interventions in detail and ensuring that our NMA has enough statistical power. The whole discussion was based on the perspective of the end users of our results, with the goal of adding value to the knowledge on self-management of patients, professionals, industry, researchers and decision-makers. With this end-goal in mind we also worked on the last details of the coordination of all partners, covering all key steps of the effectiveness analysis: the extraction of data, data cleaning, descriptive analysis, GRADE quality analysis, pair-wise comparisons and NMA.