Formation of a panel to formulate recommendations for SMI for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Sixteen participants from nine European countries conform this panel. There is a broad representation of stakeholders including health services researchers, endocrinologists, health economists, family practitioners, self-management experts, nurses, nutritionists, patient advocates and guideline methodologists. They are active since last week of October.

The panellists will:

  • Rate the importance of included outcomes
  • Propose the magnitude of effects thresholds.
  • Discuss and agree on draft evidence summaries prepared by the COMPAR-EU Consortium about the effects of interventions, the economic considerations, values and preferences of patients, and contextual factors of self-management interventions.
  • Discuss and agree on draft judgments for the different criteria relevant for the formulation of recommendations, included in the evidence to decision (EtD) framework.
  • Discuss, formulate and agree on draft recommendations, conclusions and other related contents (e.g. summary of findings tables, narrative summaries, etc.).