Beate Sigrid Müller

Beate Müller works as a general practitioner in a general practice, where she regularly treats diabetes patients of all ages. She also leads the working group “Patient Safety” at the Institute of General Practice, Goethe University Frankfurt. Her research interests include risk management/safety culture and multimorbidity/polypharmacy in outpatient care as well as e-health. Since 2020 she is Co-Lead of a project on telemedicine for Covid-19 patients.
David Trigos-Herraez

David Trigos-Herraez is the Coordinator of the Spanish platform of EUPATI and Vice-president of Europso, European umbrella for psoriasis organisations. He holds Higher Technician in Electrotechnical and Automated Systems and Human resources and Superior Technician in Labour Risk Prevention with the specialities on quality processes. He is member of CTN 179 – QUALITY AND SAFETY IN HEALTHCARE SERVICES in the UNE (The Spanish Association for Standardisation) and PRP (Patient research partner) in different research projects. At EUPATI-Spain, he works towards the professionalisation of patient organisations and training patients in the field of research, development and evaluation of new therapeutic alternatives. Individual expert advisor at EMA (European medicines agency).
Inka Miñambres

Inka Miñambres is Endocrinologist at Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau and Professor in Medicine at University of Barcelona. Her main areas of clinical and research interest are metabolic diseases, with special focus in obesity. Her PhD focused on vitamin D and metabolic diseases and she has written more than 30 papers in indexed publications. At the present she is member of the Spanish group for the study of obesity of the Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición (SEEN) and collaborates with the CIBER of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases.
Jacqueline Bowman-Busato

Jacqueline Bowman-Busato is Co-Founder of the Belgian Private Foundation Pacte Adiposité – Adipositas Pacte in Brussels. She has worked in the Brussels environment for the past 23 years towards transforming health ecosystems from policy to reality. A pioneer of multi-stakeholder coalition building for societal impact, Jacqueline has previously worked for an MEP, run the expert secretariat of a European Parliamentarian Interest Group, Headed up the Brussels office of a global NGO, transformed a patient-led Platform into an equally-weighted multi-stakeholder Think Tank for Patients, Science and Industry.
Lilisbeth Perestelo-Perez

Lilisbeth Perestelo-Perez (MPsych, PhD) is working at the Evaluation Unit of the Canary Islands Health Service in Spain. Dr. Perestelo-Perez is leading investigator in the development, evaluation and implementation of decision support interventions for Shared Decision Making (SDM) in Spain. With a PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology awarded in 2007, she completed postdoctoral fellowship at Mayo Clinic (2008-2009) and at Massachusetts General Hospital (2015) on SDM. She is a co-founder of the Latin American Network for Medical SDM and Patients’ Participation. Dr. Perestelo-Perez is leading the research team at REDISSEC (Spanish Network of Health Services Research for Chronic Diseases), she is connected with the Spanish national healthcare organisation and she is collaborating with other Agencies for Health Technologies Assessment in Spain and with the Ministry of Health for the Spanish National Health System and she is also part of the EUnetHTA Joint Action-III.
Lyudmil Ninov

Lyudmil Ninov is EPF´s Project Officer. He joined EPF in April 2017. His focus is mainly on the PRO-STEP tender project, Summer Training for Young Patients Advocates 2017 & 2018, Horizon 2020 projects proposals/calls, COMPAR-EU and CHRODIS projects and providing support to other EPF projects and team members. Lyudmil Ninov holds a Bachelor´s degree in European Studies from the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski in Bulgaria and a Master´s degree in European Studies from the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands. Prior to joining EPF, Lyudmil Ninov has spent most of his professional time working in the health care sector for the International Diabetes Federation’s head office in Brussels, managing various diabetes-related international projects, such as WINGS (project on gestational diabetes) and IDF Diabetes Aware Cities.
Maria G. Grammatikopoulou

Maria Grammatikopoulou is a lecturer on Nutrition-Dietetics at the International Hellenic University and a research associate at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She holds a Master’s degree on Biomedical Sciences from the University of Aberdeen, as well as a Master’s degree on Medical Research Methodology and a PhD on Nutrition from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in Greece. Her research is focused on the relationship between diet and health including diabetes and obesity, nutrition methodology, critical appraisal, evidence-based nutrition, and related meta-research. She attains clinical research experience on remedial issues of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Mellitus in children.
Martine Hoogendoorn-Lips

Martine Hoogendoorn-Lips is a senior researcher at the institute for Medical Technology Assessment, part of the Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. She has a master degree in Human Nutrition from Wageningen University, the Netherlands, where she graduated with specializations in (Nutritional) Epidemiology and Public Health. In 2011 she completed her PhD thesis on the cost-effectiveness of treatment options for COPD including both trial-based and model-based studies. Since she joined iMTA in 2002 she participated in many projects in the area of among others: COPD, smoking cessation, metabolic syndrome and obesity. For the EU Horizon 2020 COMPAR-EU project she developed a cost-effectiveness model to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of self-management interventions for people with obesity.
Michael Crotty

Dr Michael Crotty is an Irish General Practitioner who specialises in Obesity medicine. He is a SCOPE certified practitioner and was selected for the SCOPE Leadership Program in conjunction with the World Obesity Federation. Dr Crotty is a faculty member for the MSc in Obesity in The National University of Ireland, Galway. He is also a member of the Clinical Advisory Group of the Irish National Clinical Programme for Obesity and co-chair of the Adult Weight Management Subgroup. He is a strong advocate for people living with obesity with a particular focus on reducing weight bias in primary care.
Sarah Louise Killeen

Sarah Louise Killeen is senior dietitian and PhD researcher with the UCD Perinatal Research Centre and the National Maternity Hospital in Dublin, Ireland. She holds a first-class Bachelor degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetcis from Technological University and Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Her PhD is in the área of maternal nutrition and obesity. Her projects include assessment of nutritional screening tools, staging systems, core outcome sets and qualitative research. She has published multiple papers, a book chapter and is co-lead author on the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIG0) guidelines on the management of prepregnancy, pregnancy, and postpartum obesity.
Zuleika Saz Parkinson

Zuleika Saz Parkinson holds a Master´s degree in Biochemistry, from the University of Indiana, Bloomington, and one in Research Management from the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares-UNED as well as a PhD in Public Health from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She worked for over 5 years coordinating the development of the European Guidelines on Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis, using GRADE methodology, at the European Commission´s Joint Research Centre. She has also worked for over 12 years in the Spanish Health Technolgy Assessment Agency in Madrid where, among other projects, she worked on an EU-funded project on chronic disease management programmes. She is interested in methodology and chronic diseases.