A lot of interested people were attracted by our COMPAR-EU poster on
“Prioritisation of patient-important outcomes in self-management interventions” (click on it to see it in full screen mode). One of our partner, OptiMedis AG, presented the development of the Core Outcome Sets (COS) at the 3rd symposium of a national network of health services researchers on 6th of May in Hamburg, Germany. The delegates were particularly interested in the process of patient involvement in our project. Obtaining patients´ unique perspectives and experiences ensures that research is relevant to patients. Self-management interventions aim to reduce symptoms, minimise disability, and improve quality of life. To determine the effectiveness of such interventions, patients´ views on the importance of such outcomes need to be considered.
The main emphasis of the symposium was on the transfer from research into practice. Questions like “How does implementation succeed?” and “What are the barriers?” were discussed from an international perspective. Really relevant to OptiMedis as the work package leader of WP9: Dissemination, exploitation and development of business plans. In COMPAR-EU, OptiMedis investigates various business models for the decision aids implementation and explores how the research findings can be best translated into routine clinical practice.