The Open Research Data Pilot aims to improve and maximise access to and re-use of research data generated by Horizon 2020 projects and takes into account the need to balance openness and protection of scientific information, commercialisation and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), privacy concerns, security as well as data management and preservation questions.
Data Management Plans (DMP) are a key element of good data management. COMPAR-EU drafted a first version at the start of the project and describes how the data will be handled during and after the project, the types of research data that will be generated or collected during the project, the standards that will be used, how the research data will be preserved and what parts of the datasets will be shared for verification or reuse. This plan will be updated periodically. The first revision focused on improving the adaptation of the FAIR principles: making data findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable. To this end we designed a new annex where detailed dataset descriptions can be shared, supported by example excerpts of the data and an electronic file with the database structure can be embedded.